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#47 Posted by Rita
22nd August 2020 - 09:33:32 PM

Dear Meagan,
I have replied to your post. Please check your email.
Best regard,

#46 Posted by Meagan
26th June 2020 - 03:34:47 AM

Hello! I am the great granddaughter of Stephan and Katharine Dienesch and granddaughter of Fred Dienesch. I would love to know if I have more relatives out there, or any stories about my family or Birk. I don’t want our history to fade and would like to learn as much as possible. If anyone still sees this, please reach out! My email is meagan.marie1117@gmail.com

#45 Posted by Octavian
16th January 2018 - 08:17:07 AM

Google link:

https://www.google.nl/maps/place/Petelea,+Roemeni%C3% AB/@46.737206,24.6917026,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4 74a3620a3cebdcb:0xc1714a3439c2b17a!8m2!3d46.7294376!4d24 .7086784?dcr=0

#44 Posted by John Kern
02nd January 2018 - 10:41:18 PM

My Grandmother Susanna Zehra(Krautner) and mother Susanna(Kern) were both from Birk. I'd like to visit their home village but would like to know what it is now called.

#43 Posted by Susi Burn
24th March 2017 - 05:40:28 AM

Meine Tante Maria Lette (geb. Menyes, Haus Nr. 20) starb im Altersheim Traun, Oesterreich. Sie starb am 22. Maerz 2017 und war beinahe 93 Jahre alt. Ihre 4 Kinder, samt ihren Familien, leben alle in Ober- und Niederoesterreich. Ich werde sie sehr vermissen wenn ich Europa wieder besuche. Schlafe in Frieden.

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Last updated on:
October 11, 2013

 News :: Mai 13, 2008
Since today, Petelea has its own domain: www.petelea.info.
The new e-mail address is : info@petelea.info
  News :: July 8, 2006
The Guestbook of Petelea is available again.
  News :: May 14, 2004
Maintenance release: removed broken links and added new ones; corrected text inaccuracies.
  News :: August 20, 2003
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