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#13 Posted by Mircea -- http://www.hukserv.ro
13th August 2005 - 05:00:56 PM

Salutari tuturor si mai ales celor care au avut intiativa sa realizeze ceva pentru Petelea, sper sa ma pot implica si eu intr-un viitor apropiat.

#12 Posted by lola
25th November 2004 - 09:25:11 PM


#11 Posted by Peter John Rehner
14th November 2004 - 08:22:04 PM

My Dad is Michael Rehner of Birk. Born in 1927 he now lives in the Cleveland, Ohio, US area. I am trying to contact Maria Hulswit but her e-mail comes back to me. Please write me Maria. Did you get the book by Mary Gellner Husband John on our heritage? I too want to visit Birk and do a photo shoot. I am a pro photographer and have wanted to return to Birk with my dad to do this for many years. He is not so sure he wants to go back... Peter

#10 Posted by Susi
08th September 2004 - 08:19:13 AM

60 years ago - on 11 September 1944 - more than 200 Saxon families were instructed to leave Birk / Petelea. According to an eye witness report, fighting was coming closer and closer to the village. The previous few days, the Reghin airfield had been attacked and bombers were flying low over the houses in Birk and shooting at people. This witness says: "On 11 September 1944 at 4pm we lined up our wagons in the main street. Suddenly it became very dark and a thunderstorm came. The church bells were ringing and in this terrible weather and throughout the night our evacuation from the war zone commenced ." At the end of the war in 1945, all these people were left stateless in Austria / Germany for many years to come.

The last Saxon "children" born in 1944 (in chronological order) were: S Menyes, I Benesch, M Dietrich, M Schuster, J Schuller, J Dienesch, M Gellner, K Gellner, M Dienesch, J Rehner, K Scholler and M Lette. Most of us have been integrated in many countries around the globe. This is to commemorate our roots so many years ago. Let us all walk in peace!

21st August 2004 - 09:03:02 PM

I was born in Petelea (Birk) on 22 September 1941. My parents were Georg Gellner and Maria Rehner. I was baptised in the Lutheran Church there. I would love to visit Birk someday, and would very much appreciate any information as to a hotel or inn where one could stay in or near Birk. My husband has done extensive research on my family's history. I would very much like to hear from anyone who knows.

Maria (Gellner) Hulswit
New York City

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October 11, 2013

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