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#8 Posted by Dani -- http://www.daniela.bremen.de.vu
25th June 2004 - 10:50:58 AM

Die Seiten hier hab ich ohne Fragen,
bei meinen Favoriten eingetragen,
damit ich sie so dann und wann,
auch ganz schnell wiederfinden kann.

Ich w�nsche weiterhin viel Erfolg
mit der Homepage.

Dani aus Bremen

#7 Posted by Susi
26th January 2004 - 11:43:00 PM

I would like to pay tribute to Susanna Dienesch (born 28 Jan 1920 in Birk/Petelea) who died in Austria on 13 December 2003.

"Saster Dienesch" was responsible for compiling "Das Birker Heimatbuch". She was instrumental for getting the Birker church registers into the Gundelsheim Museum in Germany. She corresponded and visited many Saxon Birkers in Austria, Germany, Canada, Australia and of course Rumania. In other words, she was the facilitator who maintained contact between all of us around the globe. She was a good friend to my mother Susanna (Timmi) Schertzer (house No 357).

Susanna Dienesch, like all of us, was not perfect, but she was a great human being. She was full of life and energy. She felt that our Saxon heritage mattered and our descendants would one day be interested in their ancestry. That is why she compiled the "Birker Heimatbuch". We owe her a debt and I will miss her greatly.

#6 Posted by guta
11th November 2003 - 01:14:26 PM

buna dragii mei eu guta am interesul de a canta la voi in localitate cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna. Mie mi-a placut mai demult cand am fost la Petelea si am cantat cu niste rromi la voi la caminul cultural langa primarie. Daca doriti sa vin sa cant la vio contactatima la 0740501917 . Va multumesc anticipat!

11th September 2003 - 07:32:29 AM

Nu pierde ocazia si deschide adresa: http://www.angelfire.com/amiga2/salamandra
Aici vei gasi o prognoza meteo cu adevarat profesionista si inteligibila. Te astept !
Nu vei regreta !

#4 Posted by Mircea
23rd April 2003 - 08:12:37 AM

Bunicul meu a fost unul dintre preotii greco-catolici care au slujit la biserica din Petelea iar apoi a fost inchis de catre regimul comunist pentru motivul ca nu a dorit sa treaca la credinta Moscovei. Am gasit astazi siteul vostru care mi se pare bine realizat. Va felicit pentru munca depusa!

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October 11, 2013

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